Locks of Love Herbal Infusions Hair Masks for Scalp Health and Shine

Locks of Love
Herbal Infusions Hair Masks for Scalp Health and Shine

Introduction and yet simple solution

Thick, shiny and healthy hair plays an important role in highlighting the personality and enhancing its beauty.

Like the body, healthy hair depends on a balanced diet. If the hair is not properly cared for and deprived of basic nutrients, its growth process stops and it starts to look dull and weak.
Add shine and charm to your hair with a hair mask. Winter has started. Where the dry winds have affected the skin, it has also affected the hair, leaving the hair looking dry and frizzy. Therefore, it is important that with the skin attention should also be paid to the hair.

{Simple tip}

It is more important to apply hair oil, mustard, coconut or olive oil, whatever you can find easily and suitable for your hair, you can apply it. Apply oil twice a week and massage half an hour . Then soak the towel in hot water and squeeze it and wrap it on the head, its heat will make the oil reach the roots of the hair.

"The Kitchen Beautician: Transformative DIY Hair Mask Recipes"

Women who cannot go to beauty parlors. They can prepare hair masks at home from kitchen items and using them can add shine and charm to their hair. Following are the techniques for preparing different types of hair masks.
Honey as hair mask

Mix three teaspoons of honey with five tablespoons of olive or almond oil and apply it well on the hair. Wrap well. After half an hour with lukewarm water and any standard shampoo wash your head. anti oxidant properties that are present in honey can help to maintain the hair health and protect the hair to broken and damage and reduce the hair fall.

👉Papaya hair mask for Split ends👈

Papaya hair mask is perfect for treating two types of hair, split ends dull and weak hair.

Take two large papayas pieces, remove the peel and seeds and blend well in a blender. Mix half a cup of curd in it and apply this mixture on your scalp and hair well. After half an hour, wash your head with warm water. Banana can also be used instead of papaya in this mask. This will transform your hair into this as shown in the picture.

Mayo mask for magical shine

To add magical shine and charm to dry and dull hair, mix mayonnaise with honey and apply it on your hair, leave this mixture on your hair for half an hour, then wash it off with lukewarm water.

[Banana Mask] 
Mash the bananas and add almonds to it and apply this hair mask on the head for fifteen minutes and then shampoo. Almond oil prevent the hair to be damaged and become softer and supports the hair growth and banana can help to prevent the split ends.

Castor Oil
Mix castor oil with honey and apply it on your hair for half an hour, then wash your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Milk -Honey hair mask

Mix a spoonful of honey in raw milk and massage the hair with this mixture from the roots to the ends and after half an hour wash the head with lukewarm water. Milk and honey hair mask is best to develop the shine and smoothness for dull dry and frizzy hair.
Fenugreek mask for thin to thicker hair

Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight, grind these soaked fenugreek seeds in the morning and massage the head with this paste. After fifteen minutes, wash the head thoroughly with lukewarm water and shampoo. This hair mask is an excellent treatment for dry, frizzy, thin and weak hair

The mask will prove a excellent mask for your hair.
Add one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds to a cup of black mash dal and grind it into a fine powder. Mix half a cup of curd in this powder and apply this mask well on the scalp and hair and leave it for two to three hours. After that, rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Applying raw coconut water after washing your hair to keep it thick will give your hair incredible shine.

{Some Random tips for different problems}
choosing the right one according to your problem💧

To bring shine to dull and dry hair, mix four tablespoons of curd, two tablespoons of henna and one teaspoon of coconut or olive oil and apply it on your hair and wash it off after thirty minutes. Do this process two or three times a week. This will not only make the hair thicker but also stop breakage and fall.

"For summer hair problems tips"
[For dandruff dry frizzy and damaged hair]
In summer, hair gets damaged very quickly due to excessive sweating and dust, for which it is necessary to take special care of hair cleaning. Make a thick paste by adding a little water to Multani soil. Now squeeze a lemon in it and apply this mixture to the roots of the hair and wash it off with lukewarm water after about an hour or two. This will not only make the head feel cool in summer, but will also clean the excess oil in the hair. 
Most hair problems are caused by dryness which not only weakens the hair, but also tends to fall out quickly.
If the hair is washed with sour lassi, it will not only make the hair soft and smooth, but the dryness will also be removed.
There is lemon juice and coconut oil and daily hair massage will really reduce the dryness
If hair loss starts due to dandruff or any other reason
After that, add salt to the butter and massage the vinegar well and then wash it off with lukewarm water
It keeps to strong your hair and will stop falling.
To prevent hair fall, grind fenugreek seeds and mash dal mixed with water and apply on hair roots, this is the best tried and tested hair prevention tip.
To increase the beauty of hair and make them. For thickening, grinding berry leaves in water and massaging the scalp will begin to thicken the hair.
To remove dryness and shine from hair
Use of Rethe to increase breathability considered the best.
Soak half a cup of rethe overnight in lukewarm water. Grind it well in the morning and filter its water. Now apply this water directly on the skin and rub gently. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash the head, but avoid the eyes while washing, as it damages the eyes.

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