Fruitful Beauty 💝 Radiant Skin Secrets with DIY Fruit Masks

 Fruitful Beauty💝

Radiant Skin Secrets with DIY Fruit Masks

Nowadays, the trend of making homemade masks is growing. Many masks are also made from fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk and vitamins. The popularity of using egg as a mask is high because eggs can be applied on all skin types and the method is also easy to use. Eat fresh fruits such as strawberries or rub them on your face, so can bananas. Bananas are high in vitamins, phosphorus and potassium, so the trend of consuming them is also common. Generally, bananas are used for sensitive skin. Tomatoes, beets, curd, skimmed milk, honey are also used to protect the skin of the face.

The natural extract of the fruit not only removes the spots, freckles and grains on the face but also keeps the face fresh and beautiful.

So here are DIY Delights Nourishing Fruits Face Masks You Can Make at Home 

Choosing the Right One for your Skin according to your skin problem

Fruits mask for every skin type

Strawberry mask:

They are very beneficial for soft and glowing skin. Take a handful of freshly picked strawberries. Put them in a cup and thicken them well and then apply on the face and neck let it dry together on the face and neck. Later, wash it off with lukewarm water. This will give freshness and radiance to the skin.

  A cucumber mask:

Cucumber is high in sulfur and silicon. It is very useful in relieving tiredness and dullness of the skin in the evening. Take a few pieces of cucumber and beat them with two spoons of powdered milk and one egg. Apply it well on the face and neck. When dry, wash it off with lukewarm water.

Corn mask

Corm contain too much amounts of protein and fat. It is exceptionally effective in refreshing dry skin. The way to use it is to take some corn seeds and extract their juice. Apply the white substance that comes out of the juice on the face and neck and let it dry. After that wash your face with lukewarm water its give your hydrated silky smooth skin and makes your skin moisturized.  

Pineapple Mask

The main purpose of this mask is to eliminate the cells in the upper layer of the skin that make it difficult for the skin to breathe. As these cells are removed, the skin becomes rejuvenated. Have a cup of pineapple juice. Prepare this with the help of a juicer. After mixing it well, apply the juice on the face with a fine cotton cloth. If the juice is too strong, wipe it off on the face. Otherwise, leave the face like this for fifteen minutes. Then wash your face with normal water after that dead skin cell remove and your skin become rejuvenated.

(Apricot Mask)

This mask is useful for all skin types. Take two apricots and soak them overnight. Cook on low heat until it becomes soft and then apply on the face. After about ten minutes, wash your face.

{Mask for dry skin}

If you have dry skin on your face, you can prepare a good mask for it yourself. Add a few drops of vinegar and a few drops of almond or peanut oil to the egg yolk. Olive oil can also be added. Beat this mixture well. It will be more useful if you break a capsule of vitamin E in it. The effects of this mask are set on the skin very quickly, after fifteen minutes wash the face with cold water.

papaya mask

Gently cleanses dead skin cells. Cut the pulp of the papaya slightly from the top. There are some pulps with peels. Now apply these peels on the face and neck. Massage it for 10 minutes, then wash your face with cold water.

Apple mask

Peel an apple and take it out in a cup and apply it on the face and neck with the help of cotton pad. Massage with the soles of your fingers, especially around the eyes, around the lips and on the forehead. This recipe is great for unclogging open pores and removing blocked skin. A few drops of cold milk can also be added to apple juice for best results.

Carrot mask

Carrots are mostly used in winter. Carrot mask is useful for all skin types. Soak a cotton ball in 1/4 cup of carrot juice and keep it aside to cool. After ten minutes, take a few drops of honey on the palm and apply it on the entire face and neck, then apply the carrot juice on the face with a cotton pad. When the mask feels dry, wash the face with lukewarm water. Honey for skin cleansing

And carrot juice is the cause of skin improvement this gives you the youthful glowing skin, apart from the mask, carrots are also useful for skin and vision if eaten raw.

Banana mask

Banana is an evergreen fruit. Rich in iron, this fruit has positive effects on health. Prepare a mixture by mixing half a banana, a little yogurt and a few drops of olive oil. Apply the mixture on the face and neck from bottom to top. These masks can also be used near the eyes and washed off with plain water.
  • It is very useful for dry and dull skin.
  • This mask will protect your dry skin in winter
  • You can use this banana mask once a week

Orange mask:

Oranges are rich in vitamin C which can boost immunity and prevent your skin from sagging. Then take the hulk cup orange mash and apply it all over the face. When the mask is dry, wash it off with normal water. This mask helps to get rid of the oil on your face and refreshes its glow and is also useful for beautifying the skin with open pores.

Apricot mask

Soak two or three apricots
in water at night and they are good after it becomes soft, cook it on low heat and apply it on the face after 10 minutes after cooling. Apricot contains skin tightening ingredients. Apart from this, its mask can also be used to clean facial hair. With its regular use, there is a significant reduction in facial hair.
To get rid of hair, apply the mask on the face and when it dries, remove it in peel off style.

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