Smooth Secrets Mastering Facial Hair Removal Techniques


Smooth Secrets
Mastering Facial Hair Removal Techniques

The problem of hair growth on the face has become very common. These hairs are very thin on the face, where the flow goes, but they are quite noticeable on the faces of women. Generally, these hairs start to came out at the age of fifteen to sixteen years.

If these hairs are like thin hairs, then to get rid of them, apply half a teaspoon of curd on the face, so strongly that the hair starts to fall on its own. After massaging your face with this, wash your face with a gram flour(basin).

Another way to clean the thin hairs is to take a little rose water and equal amount of lemon juice and milk and mix them all well. Apply this mixture on the face and let it dry, then rub it clean and rinse your mouth with cold water. Also good for cleaning.
To lighten the hair to match the color of the face, apply the juice of half a lemon on the affected part of the face and leave it for fifteen minutes, it will lighten the hair color.

Traditional Techniques:
Use of creams or lotions

Never use creams or lotions on your face, this process only cleans the hair up to the surface of the skin, does not affect the roots, and soon new hair grows out of the skin.

These creams and lotions have stronger chemicals that cause skin damage.

Threading and waxing

Most of the women get rid of them by threading, but thick and thick hair makes the face completely clean temporarily and this temporary method also affects the roots, so its negative effects are very deep. The roots of the hair are strengthened, their blood circulation increases and the hair comes out thicker than before every time. Rubbing the thread causes the skin to become reddish or darken in color. Then due to hair removal by threading, the follicles are reversed and they grow in the same direction as they are turned and sometimes, they become pimples and ripen due to the tuft of hair inside the skin. which cause serious damage to the skin of the face.


Waxing is also a treatment for such hair which is better because after waxing the hair grows back slowly and if the same process is repeated as often as needed, it gradually disappears completely. You can also make wax at home if you want.

{The simple recipe is to mix jaggery(sugar) with flour and melt it. When the mixture cools, apply it on the hair. When the hair is well covered with the mixture, stick a cotton cloth over it. After a while, pull the cloth. But keep in mind that the cloth pulls in the opposite direction of the hair. The hair will come off with it.}
Modern Solutions:

Currently, permanent hair treatment is being done by this method of electrolytes (Laser hair removal) all over the world. Electrolytes cause a chemical reaction through the needle that kills the hair, then it is removed by tweezing, which is also a slow but successful method. Facial hair removal takes a lot of time. Most effectively, the hair is eliminated at the point of origin. In this treatment, a needle is passed through the pore to the root of the hair, then a slight current is sent to the tip of the needle by pressing a button. As a result, the hair is separated from the root, then it is picked up with the help of tweezers as it is separated from the root. Getting rid of hair this way is less painful than tweezers and has no side effects. But this treatment is long and very patient and also expensive. After which this problem is solved for a long time. Earlier, women used to wash their bodies with toree or pumpkin bark, so they did not get hair on their body because by rubbing the bark, the hair is removed gradually. There are more, so it is best to use curd to eliminate hair from the body is.

At-Home Remedies:
Even if the face is washed with a basin (gram flour), the hair will gradually disappear, facial kits also reduce the hair, but its equipment is very expensive and usually not many women can afford it.
Presenting a Natural facial method for them
There is service.

1.First, massage the lemon extract on the face and hands for twenty to twenty-five minutes.
But don't put anything lemon or facial on the eyes.
2. After that, take the milk upper layer this cream called (بالائی) apply it on the face and massage them for twenty minutes.
3. Then steam for ten minutes.
4. After steaming, gently clean the skin of the nose from both sides with cotton
5 Rub your face well with the inner part of the sour orange peel.
If there is burning, it means that the above steps are getting correct results. Otherwise, you can use the peel of orange to massage well for a minute again.
6. After that, mix one egg white, one tea spoon of honey and two spoons of milk well and apply this mixture on the face. It is necessary to apply this mask for half an hour. Does not apply this mask on the eyes and lips.
When the mixture is dry, dip a cotton ball in warm milk and remove this mask from top to bottom.
After that, wash your face with lukewarm water. It should be remembered that the massage should always be done from the bottom upwards with the help of the index finger. Remember that hair does not disappear overnight. If you apply yogurt daily while doing a facial once a month and wash your face constantly with a gram flour (basin) within three months, seventy-five percent of your hair can be gone.
Here are possible results.


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