Anxiety and Coping Strategies for Today's Challenges

"Navigating Anxiety in Uncertain Times: Coping Strategies for Today's Challenges"

What anxiety is?

گھبراہٹ like anxiety in English language is not a disease but it is definitely a worrying problem. Anxiety is actually a reflection of our mindset and our inner workings. It is the output of which our thoughts and concerns are input. When there is a matter or a problem that cannot be solved by a person, thinking becomes sophisticatedly(mentally) weak. His nerves stop working, due to which our body starts showing abnormal conditions which we call panic. If there is a problem that bothers you constantly and there is no solution for it, then the situation goes to a dangerous level and the patient may even try to commit suicide.

When someone suffers from anxiety, he gets depressed by every little thing. Anger or crying, the heart is disturbed all the time. Feeling burdened by minor responsibility, sleep short or more than a normal time period, loss of consistency, boredom with small and trivial things, frequent night waking's, rapid heart rate, dizziness, heaviness and lack of self-control, all these are panic attacks.

There are cases

According to a study, women suffer from anxiety twice as much as men. Doctors prescribe various medicines to relieve anxiety. There are many ways to stay safe from anxiety without medication, including stress reduction, exercise, different breathing exercises, and yoga. Seeking therapy and counseling from a psychologist is also an effective method. specially Cognitive Behavioral Therapy{CBT} in which the angle and style of thinking and thoughts are changed through conversation.

We sometimes do not understand whether we are suffering from depression or because of inner anxiety or suffering from mental disorders. Depression, yasit or is called depression and anxiety
means. Both anxiety and depression are very painful and debilitating diseases. Depression is an English word but it is used in every language happening.

If we talk about the symptoms of anxiety, then they are: constant fear and thoughts of being insecure, difficulty and difficulty in working, most common physical ailments, headache and upset stomach.

There were complaints.

Anti-anxiety foods
Here we are discuss some of foods that can help to cope up with our anxiety problem.
"Eat better and feel better"
The anti-anxiety diet

The main benefit of brown chocolate is that it helps in keeping the blood pressure normal. It increases the "polyphenol" present in the body which increases the flow of oxygen in the blood. Brown chocolate produces serotonin in the brain, which creates a feeling of freshness in the human body and improves mental alertness and releases pressure.


People suffering from diseases like hysteria, depression and blood pressure should make sure to use avocado. Avocado is rich in potassium, which regulates blood pressure and keeps blood circulation in moderation.


Health experts say that regular consumption of raw vegetables and fruits plays an important role in relieving depression and stress. Although traditional nutritionists emphasize eating fruits and vegetables five times a day, but when it comes to mental stress and depression, people who suffer from it can add more to their diet. Raw vegetables and fruits directly affect human mood but when vegetables are cooked, fried and hot doing so can result in the loss of many, important nutrients within them so this is because raw vegetables is more good for anxiety person rather than cooked.

Turmeric :

Stress, sadness and depression is a growing monster of modern times. Research has shown that taking 500 mg of sarcoman (found in two spoon of turmeric) per day has the same effect as taking the well-known drugs PROZAC and fluoxetine. Thus, turmeric is a natural and natural remedy for depression. Turmeric is useful for diseases like brain inflammation and Alzheimer's. Turmeric takes care of the overall health of the brain and helps in supplying oxygen to the brain.


Any kind of mental disorders
Soybean is very useful for It improves mental balance and sharpens the mind.

Chamomile tea:
Camomile also called the Gul Babu. In case of anxiety, use Gul Babu tea to calm the nerves and
Peace comes, which reduces panic.

Anxiety boosting foods

Here and some foods that can avoid because it can boost up your anxiety.

 Drinking caffeine, coffee, tea, can make depression or anxiety worse. Apart from this, the sugar, cholesterol and other ingredients included in burgers, papad chips play a role in increasing appetite.


Drugs and smoking disturb the human body's sleep and peace of mind. Therefore, it is foolish to think that it helps with anxiety.

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