Pets and stress(How Pets Can Help Relieve Stress and Boost Mental Health)

Pets and stress(How Pets Can Help Relieve Stress and Boost Mental Health)

In todays article we will discuss about the pets importance in our life and to know about how the pets can help us to fight with our stress situation and anxiety.

⭆Be sure to keep pets
Remove stress and worry⭅

Pets have positive effects on mental health and human psychology

This article covers about the

  • The Role of Pets in Everyday Stress Management

  •  Psychiatric disorders And research about it 

  • Improvement in social relations

  • Effects on hormones

  • Caution in keeping pets

The Role of Pets in Everyday Stress Management:

It is common for children to suddenly bring home a pet and impose it on everyone, which is opposed by parents and elders. It is worth noting that soon all the members of the house get familiar with him and start considering him as a part of their family. This shows that the decision to keep pets in any of our homes is not made considering their impact on health and daily life as research has shown that these pets or birds are not only for children but also for families. They play a role in improving the psychology, health and home environment of all individuals. Following are the factors that have been clinically observed in the body due to the presence of pets in the home, daily exercise and planting during scientific research. 
  • Blood pressure decreased.
  • Heart rate was moderate. 
  • Breathing rate is regular. 
  • There is a decrease in nervous tension.
Taking care of a pet makes you more responsible and makes you feel that your presence is needed by someone and gives a purpose in life especially to the elderly and having a new activity is all it takes. To attract attention play the role. 

 Psychiatric disorders And research about it 

Listed among many psychiatric disorders attributed to children.
The following are important.
  1.  Autism
  2. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Children with these disorders show certain symptoms in their daily routine, such as their behavior with other children and their performance in other activities, which make them different from other children of the same age and clinically ill. 
In this research we clearly see Benefits of Pet Ownership for Mental Health in children's.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention according to the research of having a pet at home protects children from many psychological diseases, mental stress and anxiety. In this study{ 643 children are participated. And according to study the BMI of children ,Anxiety, endurance, and stress levels, screen time and physical activity ratio were observed. In children who have pets at home, the tendency of mental stress, aggressive behaviors is less and tolerance factor is more observed.}

Improvement in social relations

The presence of a pet also has a positive effect on children's social relationships there were effects.

  1.  Self-confidence increased. 
  2. Emotionally strong.
  3. There is an increase in learning and mental abilities. 
  4. Increased empathy and trust with others

Effects on hormones
By keeping the pets and caring for and playing with animals cause the hormonal changes that  lead to reduce the  stress and anxiety pressure that have the following impact.
The body releases two hormones in response to sexual urges or the flight-and-fight response

  1. Cortisol
  2. Adrenaline
The purpose of these two hormones is to increase the body's energy and its delivery. Cortisol meets the brain's sudden spike in blood sugar by influencing various factors in sugar metabolism. While adrenaline increases the delivery of energy to the body by increasing blood pressure and heart rate. Cortisol (as we say the stress hormone) excretion occurs in a state of stress on the body, the causes of stress are work pressure, exam anxiety, hunger or suddenly seeing a cockroach or something or person you fear. Caring for a pet reduces the release of cortisol in the body and conserves our energy as well as releases us from stressful situations or so we get ready to face our fears. Dopamine is a  important neurotransmitter that is important for the Neurological messaging. It stimulates our mind which makes us feel happy. For example, if you work hard day and night for a goal, the feeling of satisfaction and happiness upon achieving it is due to this hormone. Playing with and caring for pets increases dopamine release and it could leaves pleasant effects on health and mood.
The  serotonin secretion increases the brain remains active  under the influence of this hormone, because the fluctuation in its secretion controls our sleeping and waking hours (sleep and wake cycle). The release of serotonin prevents us from going to sleep or deep dreamy sleep, (that is also called rapid eye movement) so it plays a very important role in keeping our brain present, alert and active. Therefore, ( SSRIs selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors )have been shown to reduce symptoms by 40-60% in depressed patients.
Caution in keeping pets

People with weakened immune systems, especially young children and the elderly, or those who are sensitive to dust, bird feathers and animal waste and hair and are prone to respiratory infections, should avoid pets. Be careful in choosing and keeping them as is.

  • They should be kept in an open place away from the house.
  • Allergy or asthma sufferers should be careful with pets and birds and keeps air purifier in the house to protect against dust.
  •  Use a face mask and clean bird and pet areas daily.
Instead of keeping pets, such people should keep plants at home which are equally important in their comfort and other benefits such as pets.

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