Teeth like pearls

Teeth like pearls 

In today's article we discuss about the teeth problems and share some simple home remedies that can make your teeth white and look just like the pearls.

This article covers about the home remedies for teeth:
  1. Teeth whitening remedy
  2. Remove yellowness of teeth
  3. Teeth brightening and gums 
  4. Cleaning teeth Manjan
  5. Teeth strengthening remedy
  6. Home made mouth wash for for black spots on teeth
  7. Home made mouth wash for bad smell
  8. Caution
Just as the teeth look clean, they add to the beauty and cheerfulness of our face. You must have often seen that yellow or stained teeth are visible on the smile of a beautiful face, then the smile of the face is lost somewhere. Women are usually so engrossed in household chores that they don't pay attention to their teeth. Clean, shiny teeth not only add to our appearance, but are also vital to our health as we use them to chew our food. Just think that dirty and sloppy teeth are full of germs that not only contaminate our food, but also the bad smell they create makes our loved ones suffer.

Below are some simple tips for cleaning and brightening teeth.

Teeth whitening remedy

It is not necessary that expensive pastes can clean our teeth. Daily in morning and night brush your teeth with a little Lahore salt before going to bed on the morning brush your teeth normal past this will remove the all the dirt from your teeth and make you feel refresh.


Mix half a teaspoon of mustard oil with a little salt and apply it on the teeth at night and go to sleep and in the morning brush the teeth with a paste or salt. This will make your teeth white.

Remove yellowness of teeth

Yellow teeth can lose your confidence and if you are outside and somewhere in the party or may be family gathering you will become irritated because of the yellow teeth so here is the solution for this.


. Mix a spoonful of baking soda, a little salt and Sahaga (سہاگہ )and keep it in a bottle. Brush your teeth with it daily, it is useful to remove yellowness of teeth.

Teeth brightening and gums 

 This remedy will gives your extra ordinary shine to your teeth and can strengthening your gums.


Grind lemon peels and add salt to it, brush your teeth with it daily. Teeth will shine.

Cleaning teeth Manjan

This manjan works for your cavity protection, teeth whitening and  helps to stop bad breathe.

Grind the charcoal finely, add a little salt to it and fill it in a bottle. Manjan is the best for cleaning teeth.

{A proven recipe and Sunnah Rasool for cleaning teeth is Miswak. Use in the morning and evening. It is very useful for cleaning and strengthening the teeth.}

Home made mouth wash for for black spots on teeth

If you have the black spots on your teeth due to lack of cleanness of your teeth then you must try this mouth wash to get this clear and white teeth.


Take 6-7 jasmine leaves rinse with water put in the pot and add 2 glass of the water and boiled until the one glass of water left then after cooling fill it in the bottle.
This mouth wash daily 2 times use and get rid of black spots on your teeth this will continues for 2 to 3 weeks. After that you clearly see the results.

Home made mouth wash for bad smell

This home made mouth wash is very useful to eliminate the bad breathe that can irritate other and we also hesitate.


First of all take half cup of the rose water add 1 table spoon of the white vinegar or you can use lemon juice also and then add the water into it now the home made mouth wash is remedy it is as simple and quick but it works magically for  your mouth smell.
Daily at night take one to two sip of this mouth wash in your mouth and then rinse it of.
Same procedure repeat in the morning.

Along with the teeth, exercise of the gums is also very important for the strength of the teeth. For this, clean the teeth with a toothbrush or brush and also clean your gums with your finger.


Young children aged five, six years or younger should have their teeth brushed under supervision and try to minimize the amount of fluoride in their toothpaste. Because its high amount affects the health of the teeth.

Advertisements often show that brushes are filled with toothpaste, but in fact, a pea-sized amount can be effective in cleaning your teeth.

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